Concrete creep plays a significant role in the long-term performance of the prestressed concrete structure. However, most of the\nexisting prediction models cannot accurately reflect the in-site concrete creep in a bridge construction environment. To improve\nthe prediction accuracy of creep effects in concrete structures, an innovative creep analysis method is developed in this study.\nParameters in the creep model in fib MC 2010 have been calibrated with respect to the long-term loading test results of the\nprestressed concrete beam. The measured strains of concrete and the midspan deflections of the test beam are compared with the\npredicted results using the creep model in fib MC 2010. It indicates that the results predicted by the calibrated creep model are in\ngood agreement with the test results. However, the results predicted by the creep model in fib MC 2010 significantly deviate from\nthe test results. This proposed creep analysis method can provide a new thought to improve the predicted effect of the creep effects\non creep-sensitive structures.